

Jaegerschnipsel - the name says it all! Eva Jaeger-Nilius is not a fan of 'schnitzel', however, she can occupy herself for hours with 'Schnipseln' - the German term for 'snipping'! Eva draws, cuts, tears, slides and combines until the perfect form of her idea finds its way onto paper. She finds inspiration with a playful-humorous-loving view of the world and more than a decade of experience as a freelance illustrator / graphic designer and member of the (now virtual) studio community “Tatendrang-Design”.

No piece of paper or interesting packaging, tattered book, scrap of thought or smudged scribble is haphazardly thrown away by Eva... because something wonderful and new can always be created from it.

Portrait Eva
Logo Jaegerschnipsel
Meet Eva on various days
She works daily in her studio upstairs.

Eva's Range

The real "Jaegerschnipsel" are original works of art, framed prints, posters, postcards, magnets, stickers–or all of the above as a lucky dip!

Her offerings are rounded off with books and works of art by the talented Tonia Wiatrowksi, Meike Töpperwien and Roberta Bergmann.

Ministicker 6er-Bögen
Produkte Jaegerschnipsel Tatendrang-Design
Kinderbücher Töpperwien Wiatrowski Ramcke
Kreativ-Buecher Roberta Bergmann
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