We can't wait to meet you!
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday
11am - 6pm
11am - 5pm

Während der Pandemie gelten die jeweils aktuellen Corona-Regeln.
If you have a questions about a specific product or if you would like to order something custom-made, gives us a call!
Perhaps you would prefer to contact us via email? No problem! One of us will usually answer you within 24 hours.
Kleine Rainstraße 6
22765 Hamburg-Ottensen
The easiest thing to do is simply stop by and browse our tiny Lítil home of everything handmade.

We look forward to hearing from you!
We usually reply within 24 hours. Please also check your spam folder if you are waiting for a reply from us. Every now and then, this is where lost emails are found.
If you don't hear from us, there was either a technical problem or you are a bot that is not worth responding to.